
Dealing with High Humidity: Its Effects on Asthma and How to Manage

Posted On July 4, 2024

The warm, humid summer days can be both a blessing and a curse. For many, it’s a time for beach trips, barbeques, and outdoor adventures. However, for individuals with asthma, high humidity can spell trouble. Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that makes the airways in the lungs inflamed and narrow, leading to breathing difficulties. […]

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Celebrate Safely This Fourth of July if You Have Asthma

Posted On July 3, 2024

The Fourth of July is a time of celebration, with fireworks lighting up the skies. However, for those with asthma, it can be a challenging experience. Both the smoke and particulate matter from fireworks can trigger asthma symptoms, making the festivities less enjoyable. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can safely enjoy Fourth […]

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Preparing for Summer: Asthma Management Tips for Warmer Weather

Posted On June 27, 2024

Summer can be challenging for people with asthma. Changes in humidity and temperature can have a major impact symptoms, making it essential to adapt management strategies accordingly. In this article, the experts at Allergy & Clinical Immunology Associates provide valuable insights and practical tips for managing asthma during the warmer months, ensuring you can enjoy […]

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Safe Outdoor Activities for Children with Asthma

Posted On June 27, 2024

Children with asthma can often feel limited in what activities they can safely participate in due to concerns about their health. However, it’s essential for children with asthma to stay active and engage in outdoor activities just like any other child. With proper precautions and preparation, there are many safe outdoor activities that children with […]

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Allergy-Proof Your Home: Spring Cleaning Tips to Reduce Indoor Allergens

Posted On May 23, 2024

For individuals suffering from allergies and asthma, maintaining an allergen-free home environment is not just a matter of comfort—it’s a necessity for health and well-being. Common indoor allergens such as dust mites, mold, pet dander, and pollen can trigger uncomfortable and potentially harmful allergy and asthma symptoms. With the arrival of spring, these allergens can […]

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Navigating the Emotional Terrain of Asthma: Strategies for Managing Stress and Enhancing Asthma Control

Posted On May 23, 2024

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition affecting millions of people globally, characterized by episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing. The prevalence of this disease underscores the importance of effective management strategies, not only addressing the physical symptoms but also considering the psychological aspects associated with living with a chronic illness. This post explores […]

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Pet Allergies: Managing Symptoms While Keeping Your Pets

Posted On May 23, 2024

In the bustling city of Pittsburgh, where numerous households cherish the companionship of pets, the commonplace issue of pet allergies emerges as a poignant concern. These allergies can significantly impact the quality of life for many individuals, creating a dilemma for pet owners who suffer yet cherish their animal companions deeply. This comprehensive guide aims […]

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The Best and Worst Times of Year for Allergy Sufferers

Posted On May 23, 2024

For the approximately 50 million Americans who suffer from allergies, pinpointing the times of year when allergens spike can make a vast difference. This task is especially complex in the bustling city of Pittsburgh, with its diverse climate and changing seasons. Itchy eyes, runny nose, congestion, sneezing, wheezing, and more are common allergy symptoms you […]

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How to Manage Your Child’s Allergies At School

Posted On February 23, 2024

As a parent, it can be concerning to send your child off to school knowing they have allergies. However, with proper management and communication with the school, you can feel confident that your child will be safe and well taken care of while at school. In this guide, we will discuss how parents can effectively […]

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New Years Resolution: How to Hit the Gym Despite Your Asthma

Posted On February 23, 2024

As the new year approaches, many people are making resolutions to prioritize their health and fitness. For individuals with asthma, this may seem like a daunting task. But fear not, as having asthma does not mean you must give up on your fitness goals. Research has shown that regular physical activity can improve asthma symptoms […]

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Difference Between a Sinus Headache and Allergic Rhinitis

Posted On November 2, 2023

If you suffer from sinus headaches or allergies, it can be challenging to differentiate between them. Understanding the difference is essential to get the proper treatment for your symptoms. Sinus Headaches vs. Allergic Rhinitis Sinus headaches are caused by inflammation in your nasal and sinus passages caused by bacteria or viruses. You may experience facial […]

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Food Allergies in Children: Early Detection, Prevention, & Parenting Strategies

Posted On November 2, 2023

For many parents, keeping their children safe from food allergies can be a daunting task. While some of the common triggers, like peanuts and dairy, are easy to recognize, there are other substances that may not be as commonly known or even suspected. As such, early detection is key in helping to prevent potentially serious […]

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Allergy-Proofing Your Home: Practical Tips for Creating a Healthy Living Environment

Posted On August 15, 2023

If you or someone in your home suffers from allergies, creating an allergen-free living space is essential. With the help of your Pittsburgh Allergy and Asthma Doctors at Allergy & Clinical Immunology Associates, you can make your home a safer, healthier environment for everyone.

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Pediatric Allergies and Asthma: Recognizing the Signs and Treatment

Posted On August 15, 2023

When it comes to keeping kids healthy, pediatric allergies and asthma are two of the most common issues parents have to deal with. As a parent, you want the best for your child, so it’s essential to understand how to recognize the symptoms of these conditions and where to seek the best treatment. With this […]

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Tips for Managing Seasonal Allergies and Enjoying the Outdoors in Pittsburgh

Posted On July 18, 2023

Pittsburgh is a beautiful city, and its residents are lucky to have access to such diverse outdoor activities. Unfortunately, for those with seasonal allergies, these activities can be difficult due to the increase in pollen levels. But don’t fear! There are ways you can manage your allergies so that you can still enjoy all the […]

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