(Left to Right) Sherry Knoblock, RMA, BRIT, CRC, Sue Shidel, BS, CCRC, Pam Greer, BSN, RN, CRC
Since 1995, our Research Department has conducted numerous FDA-approved clinical trials. With the help of our patients, the results of these clinical trials have helped bring to market many of the drugs we use today.
We are a family-friendly practice conducting research studies for asthma and allergy sufferers. We are dedicated to providing the very latest in asthma and allergy treatments to our patients and improving our patients’ quality of life.
Why sponsors select us to perform their clinical trials:
- Over 20 years of experience in conducting Phase II, III, and IV trials
- Ability to use central IRBs
- Strong patient recruitment plan with large database of interested subjects
- Accurate and timely completion of work
- Experienced in multiple EDC, IXRS, and spirometry systems
- Convenient location with close proximity to Pittsburgh International Airport and adjacent to a Crown Plaza Hotel
Allergy & Asthma Clinical Research
Please call our office to set up an appointment in the Research Department 412-833-4051, ext 127 if you are interested in participating in a research study and meet any of the following criteria:
- If you are 18 years or older and have a diagnosis of asthma for at least one year
- If you have a child between the ages 5 and 9 years old who has been diagnosed with asthma
- If you are 12 to 65 years old and are allergic to dust mites
Participants are compensated for time and travel.